Wednesday, July 23, 2008

We got rain!

And then some! Our afternoon storms have kicked into high gear. This was from 3.25 inches yesterday in less than an hr. The pool overflowed and came within a few feet of the patio door. The hose is draining it into our 'new pond'. M. thought it was cool. She put her boots on but the water quickly topped the boots and then filled them. She thought it was great. I think I probably did too, when I was 8. lol


Anonymous said...

Pssst, Mailia, you can get your daddy to ride around on the lawn mower and pull you on the boogie board! hahaha At least that's what my kids would have done/have done!! haha

Karen said...

M is a BLAST! She just cracks me up! Who couldn't love that smile of hers?? Q loves a mud puddle, any size! She would be in hog heaven in that! LOL
Looks like you guys are having a great sumnmer!
KL and Q

Anonymous said...

You've been tagged!

Come to to see!