See Mom, I can do it too!
Her first visit to Sea World. Thank you Gwamma Hauer! She totally had a great time. And it was so much fun to experience it through her eyes. I really don't think she had any idea how close we would be to a "real whale" and I know she had no clue how big they are. She was just in total awe! Our tickets are good for the rest of this year (thanks Debby) so I'm sure we'll be back several times. I'd like to wait until the weather cools off this fall, but I doubt that she will agree with me. LOL.
Sea World was always my favorite! Especially when you could go for a couple hours at a time since the tickets were good for the rest of the year! Glad you had fun!
We are taking the girls to Sea World in Feb. and they are so excited about going! When Brinley just saw the picture of Mailia at SeaWorld she said, "Mooooooooooooooom" (insert rolling eyes & sighing) "Why Mailia got to go to SeaWorld and I not?"
LOL...SeaWorld envy! Gotta love it! ROFL!
Hugs to y'all!
Sharon :)
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